Jamie Shūjūn

Jamie is the founder of Self Occupancy, a multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary platform dedicated to guiding individuals back to their true nature through deep transformation, self-reclamation, and integrative well-being. Self Occupancy offers a dynamic blend of practices, including community-focused resources (Studio Occupancy), personalied guidance (1:1 Sessions), and bespoke remedies (Occupancy Remedies), courses, workshops and events, each designed to help individuals create lives rooted in courage, vitality, health, and empowerment.

After moving from Singapore to Australia in 2003, Jamie has gratefully called Brisbane, Queensland home for over two decades. Her personal journey and professional ethos are shaped by her Singaporean-Chinese heritage, a lifelong curiosity and passion for empowerment and integrity, bridging the unseen with the material.

Jamie graduated with Bachelors in Environmental Management (Sustainable Development) (Hons) from the University of Queensland in 2007 and brings to her existing holistic work over 10 years of experience as an Environmental Scientist and Project Manager, combining analytical, systems-focused thinking with intuitive depth and spiritual awareness. Her pivot to holistic wellness began in 2008, following her passion for self-discovery and empowerment through rigorous training, 1:1 mentorship and personal development. Jamie has since completed studies in Psychosomatic Therapy, Emotional Release Trigger Point Bodywork, Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda, Meditation, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, Human Design, Astrology, Akashic Records and Australian Bush Flower Remedies, in addition multiple Yoga and Meditation Teacher Trainings. Her unique and diverse style of weaving these ancient techniques has supported hundreds of clients and students over the past 9 years, initiating significant, impactful changes within one’s life, relationships, families, career, creativity and health.

In 2016, at the end of her first year of business, Jamie was invited amongst twelve award winning Australian business women to pen her story in the book Gumption Trigger, sharing her personal joruney of growth and resilience. Jamie’s body of work was fortunate to be featured in the Courier Mail in 2018, following the launch of her first online-embodiment program.

Whether guiding clients through one-on-one sessions or nurturing her global community, Jamie’s mission is to guide others in remembering how to trust their intuitive wisdom, understand their bodies, heal intergenerational patterns, and live unapologetically vibrant lives.

Jamie’s work is accessible both online and worldwide.


Self Occupancy

Self Occupancy is so much more than just a brand or name.

Self Occupancy extends beyond the walls of yoga, meditation or any singular system, modality, lineage or practice.

It most definitely is not a done-for-you, fit-for-all, one-and-done method.

Self Occupancy is the soothing balm, an antidote to self-abandonment, self-betrayal and self-vacating, experiences that most (all) of us are familiar with to varying degrees.

Self Occupancy fosters and helps us cultivate empowerment, confidence and trust from within.

Self Occupancy invites us to occupy all parts, versions and expressions of us, experientially — from our ancestry, our shadows and darkest fears, through to our fullest pleasure, potential and creative expression.

Self Occupancy offers the medicine of acceptance, through emotion and repetition.

Self Occupancy equips us with the tools to navigate our deep-seated self-critical nature and perfectionism, one that keeps us isolated and separate from life.

Self Occupancy reminds us the opportunity to choose again, especially after we have run away, like we have done five hundred times before.

Self Occupancy teaches us that it is safe to melt our armours of hard-wired defences, to slowly open back up again to love, to receive.

Self Occupancy does not tell us what to do, it opens its loving arms, inviting us, with curiosity, to find our way — to feel fully held, even after we’ve given up or retreated far into our shell out of fear of being hurt.

Self Occupancy cradles us in its loving arms when we are too scared or too frozen to feel.

Self Occupancy teaches us gently to learn to trust again, to connect with nature’s cycles and to that which is bigger than us, to that ever-presence beneath all the weight and density of earthly living.

Self Occupancy is our most expansive yet tender nature, it is Spirit Led & Earth Held.

Self Occupancy is about moving in-step with our Spirit Encouraged Life Force.

Self Occupancy is an on-going practice of coming home; to return to our very nature, transform from within, refine our direction, and remember who we are.


with Jamie

  • Jamie Shūjūn on Honing Her Voice, Breaking Free From Expectations and Arriving Here, Whole & Unleashed Podcast ~ Spotify / Apple Podcasts / YouTube

    How to Live Aligned with Your Self, Biz on the Brain Podcast ~ Spotify / Apple Podcasts / YouTube

    L.O.V.E: Let Other Versions Exist with Jamie Shūjūn, Emotional Mastery Podcast ~ Spotify / Apple Podcasts / YouTube

    Spacious Self-Occupancy & Arriving In One's Heart, Radiantly Awakened Podcast ~ Spotify / Apple Podcasts / YouTube

    ​Coming Home to Yourself: Jamie Shūjūn's Journey to the Akashic Records, Aligned Podcast (prev. The Line Podcast) ~ Spotify / Apple Podcasts

  • All Things Pivot with Emelitta Da Silva ~ watch on IG

    Discovering My North Node with Dara Dubinet ~ watch on IG (from 21:00 mark)

  • Unabridged, heartfelt entries documenting sweet, spicy and surreal life moments sprinkled with cosmic hilarity; generously influenced by the poetic mysticism of daily life drenched deep in feeling, synchronicity & magic.


